
Postcraft Images

This should be a little thing...

Markdown format is :

![alt text](https://hyperdata.it/images/raw-data_320x480.png)

The markdown lib I'm using should understand that :

alt text

I'd better check relative URLs :

![alt text](../images/not-an-image.png)

alt text

Looking good. That gets rendered as :

<img src="../images/not-an-image.png" alt="alt text">

So now, image locations. I must have set up a folder or something...yup. Of the form :


I'd better check how I've got the paths when sent to the server...


Ok, what if I copy the dir to :


(The public/home seems like an unnecessary bit of path, but I'll leave that for now).

Hmm. There are some semi-untested bits here. I guess safest is to copy application :



./run postcraft ../postcraft/danny.ayers.name


Next, look back how I did application src/applications/file-copy-remove-test

In transmission.ttl there's :

:s4 a :FileCopy ;
    trm:configKey :copyStartToSeveralEmpty .

In services.ttl there's :

t:copyStartToSeveralEmpty a trm:ServiceConfig ;
    trm:key t:copyStartToSeveralEmpty ;
    trm:source "data/start" ;
    trm:destination "data/several-empty" .

Hmm. The paths are relative to the application, ie. on my local machine in :


I need them to be relative to the target of the postcraft-beta application, ie.


That should be going in the message somewhere. Time for a little probe, in:


Lol, fool danny, I'm already using FileCopy :

:postTemplating a trm:Pipeline ;
    trm:pipe (:s00 :s10 :s11 :s12 :s20  :s30 :s40  :s50 :s60 :s70 :s80 :s90 :s100
                :s110 :s120 :s130 :s140 :s150  :s160 :s170 :s180) .

:s00 a :DatasetReader . # read the manifest
# trm:configKey trm:describe .

### Copy layout dirs
:s10 a :FileCopy ;
    trm:configKey :cssCopy .



there is:

t:copyCSS a trm:ServiceConfig ;
    trm:key t:cssCopy ;
    trm:source "layouts/mediocre/css" ;
    trm:destination "public/home/css" .

So let me try adding an entry for the media dir as above.

:postTemplating a trm:Pipeline ;
    trm:pipe (:s00 :s05 :s10 :s11 :s12 :s20  :s30 :s40  :s50 :s60 :s70 :s80 :s90 :s100
                :s110 :s120 :s130 :s140 :s150  :s160 :s170 :s180) .

:s00 a :DatasetReader . # read the manifest
# trm:configKey trm:describe .

### Copy media dirs
:s05 a :FileCopy ;
    trm:configKey :mediaCopy .

### Copy layout dirs
:s10 a :FileCopy ;
    trm:configKey :cssCopy .


t:copyMedia a trm:ServiceConfig ;
    trm:key t:mediaCopy ;
    trm:source "media" ;
    trm:destination "public/home/media" .

I'll stick an image in the media source dir, and then:

![Claudio Grouse Hunting](media/images/2024-08/claudio-grouse-hunting.jpeg)

and maybe... Claudio Grouse Hunting


But the image is cropped. Can you specify scale in markdown? No wait, would be better to do in CSS, make it responsive.

So in danny.ayers.name/layouts/mediocre/css/style.css:

img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;


This is exactly how #Transmissions is meant to work. Maximum reuse, minimum thought/effort.

postcraft application moved to postcraft-previous, postcraft-beta move to postcraft.

Job done.