The Planets
On BBC Radio 4 this morning there was a prog How to Play featuring Holst's 'The Planets'.
Gives me today's analogy for my recurring problem of how best to spend my time.
My todo list for today might well be changed if some money I'm hoping is coming my way arrives today, but for now I'll assume it isn't.
I want to get XMPP up and running asap but I've got to a point with #Postcraft where I can start organising my notes better (and putting them online).
Hmm. JSON remodeller, RDF->JSON lib for ConfigMap etc. Use the old thing
- write a top-level list of what I'm working on
- set up placeholder Postcraft setups as appropriate
markmap JSON Options - note Markdown Frontmatter
TODO Postcraft backup transmission TODO Transmissions conditionals (+ list other constructs somewhere) TODO todo list extractor
TODO markmap interactive page
- get the server working
- make a (client) test script
- relocate
- update
- symlinks to
TODO URL shortener :