

#:todo:tomorrow replace all Processor lines this.emit('message', message) with return super.handle(message)

It's pouring with rain, but I'm hoping to be going out later. When Mari messages to say my meds prescription is ready to pick up, we'll go ut for that, do a bit of shopping and have a coffee. There's also a little panelling job for me to do at hers, when convenient.

Before I got up I did a bit of exploration around formulas for determining task priorities, with much help from Claude AI on the phone. Got to v1 bits for #Farelo.


form-a-matic first

get Claude to make a test for extractor.js, sim from form with jsdom

Interruption - trip into town.

form-a-matic is proceeding ok. But given the new TODOs below, I'm inclined to procrastinate a little to make a little #productivity timesaver.

A #:pain at the moment is the chain of run #:postcraft on projects -> commit projects (in the correct order) -> push -> server pull. I'd better have this as a #:transmission.

...oops, mind wandered from that #:adhd, heh.

Which calls for new processors. Docs can start in #:transmissions:processors (#:specs:md)

Ops, I see #:yars approaching - Yet another RDF syntax. I've got notes on #md:rdf somewhere, #:todo:link. But this may have potential for quick & dirty inline RDF, eg. #(anchor):seeAlso:link ...hmmm...

Back to the first diversion. #:transmissions:processors:github - document in transmissions/postcraft/content-raw/articles/processors/* and or around #:trans-apps:github

#:todo:transmissions #:refactor - rename SystemsProcessorsFactory etc to something shorter

#:todo:transmissions code generator - a #:transmission that takes as input a prompt including a #:transmissions:signature and using processors/templates/*.js as examples, creates a processor in processors/sandbox together with a test runner based of #:transmissions:direct. Uses Mistral? API call to check functionality. Loop.

#:todo:transmissions code generator - ditto for applications


npm install @dotenvx/dotenvx --save

#:todo:docs:farelo - write up doing 150% work once, for single task, to make subsequent tasks of a similar shape 25%

SO :

#:todo make .enx loader processor as transmissions/processors/system/EnvLoader.js #:todo make #:transmission:simple for EnvLoader #:todo make transmissions/engine/ModuleLoader.js #:todo make trans-apps/applications/git-apps/processors/GitHubList.js

#:todo make Claudio prompt for making #:transmission:simple apps (script to copy only essentials to a dir?) #:todo make processors for using API APIs to build processors #:todo make the rest of the github callers #:todo integrate into #:hyperdata-desktop

pali wan[^1]



I must remember to use the ongoing danny.ayers.name/todo/2024-10.md, together with sub-project todo/next-steps.md.

Also markdown:

- [ ] todo item 1
- [ ] todo item 2

I don't yet have a handler for that syntax,

Chat on LinkedIn has pushed a few things up my priority list.

New :

I'll get Claude to help me with my CV. Create a Project "PR" and add some of my small publication PDFs as Project knowledge.

Before anything else (but after making a coffee), I'll have an hour or so on #Farelo form-a-matic. That feels close to a working v1, soon should be very helpful for my productivity and also feeds a couple of nearby birds[^1].

[1^]: "pali wan, kama pini tu."

I just checked back on this :


There was a new suggestion. So I asked Claude :

What is the toki pona "pali wan, kama pini tu." in English?

The Toki Pona phrase "pali wan, kama pini tu." can be translated to English as: "Do one task, finish two." This phrase uses the following Toki Pona words:

pali: work, do, make wan: one kama: to become, to arrive, to bring about pini: end, finish, complete tu: two

The meaning conveys the idea of efficiency or accomplishing more than expected - by doing one task, you end up completing two things. It's similar to the English saying "killing two birds with one stone."