
Postcraft Docs

proper doc links etc. will follow soon, so if you want to know more, most of the material I'm talking about is up at GitHub danja

#:todo #:tldr tl;dr handling

I'll mostly be posting stuff here (and nearby) in these categories :

It may be a week or two before I get around to making these accessible online, I need to do a bit of work on site layout/templating. But I am gradually starting to capture my keyboard-hammering more systematically.

After having this part up for a few weeks I've inadvertently drifted into randomly dumping stuff from the 4 categories here. Today, I attempt restarting self-discipline. (I am concurrently working on UI bits that some time soon should help me with this).

Boo! Internet connection has dropped...

#:postcraft (an is just at a stage where I can use it, so as I've been organizing my projects I've been dogfooding by using it to capture documentation.

It occurred to me quite early on that it'll be fine to drop in to pretty much every project because the overhead is actually very low. (Will be even lower once I move the layout bits etc. to a common area).

The current default dir structure for #:postcraft material looks like this :

tree -d -L 2 tree -d -L 2 /home/danny/github-danny/postcraft/postcraft-template

├── cache
├── content-raw
│   ├── articles
│   ├── entries
│   ├── journal
│   └── todo
├── content-static
│   └── references
├── layouts
│   ├── fancier
│   ├── logos
│   ├── mediocre
│   ├── misc
│   └── trials
├── media
│   └── images
├── prompts
└── public