

it's 2024-11-01

Continuing with #:server:deploy

Give it an hour.


Ok, remember I need to modify all manifest.ttls

Oh dear, I need to do the rendering for each of:

├── articles
├── entries
├── journal
└── todo

for every instance. The transmissions.ttl for postcraft app is already really long.

Two-pronged attack :

  1. modularise transmissions.ttl
  2. render-on-save (the node watch thing)

I started the modularisation, I can't remember where I got up to. See if Claude remembers.

#:todo the node watch thing - record recent changes, pass to AI

#:todo I want #:transmissions to run as a daemon, in a container, hot-pluggable

#:todo #:t transmissions watchdog, record stuff from node watch, for #:farelo - what is getting attention?

#:todo #:farelo - remember llama fs