
Under Construction

there are many to-dos



My interweb connection has mostly been 0b/S since yesterday morning. Problem started coincident with a rainstorm. Almost certainly down to the antenna here being a bit out of line.

My service provider is generally pretty good, which is fortunate because right now they're the only real option for me here. Friendly & helpful, but clearly short of field engineers - we are up in the hills. (I've been tempted to ping them about work even though I don't have transport - I get the feeling they might be desperate enough to find a workaround).

#:aside I was a total bookworm from an early age (until I moved to this harder drug when the Web came along). Odd really, I'm not sure how it started. Even though both my parents were very hot on education, neither were big readers, not a bookish family. But incredibly lucky in how it opened the world to me. Anyhow, my English language mechanical skills got to be really good, I had automatic correct usage (I'm crap at other languages, btw). But nowadays my spelling is... hesitant. The exposure to en-US online and a fair bit of Italian has scrambled it, I have to double check all the time. Ditto my grammar. Both understandable, I don't feel bad. But my bloody punctuation is broken too! Example just now ^^^, putting a whole sentence in braces. Where, by the Frenchman's f'ing' fin does the full stop/period go..?

Ok, what I have been working on (always) is heavily dependent on the Web. But I still have vast numbers of things to do which don't need it. No problem. Hah!

I've been fortunate in only having experienced sexual impotence a couple of times in my life, despite having a taste for the booze. Found it slightly embarrassing, very frustrating (tragic on a one-night stand). But that pales in comparison with having to wait, possibly a day or two, for an engineer to get here.

Claudio and I are not long back from walk #1, I've just been getting my breath back. I noticed coming in that my antenna is securely mounted by means of cable ties to a drainpipe. So I'm now going to get out the ladders and give it a wiggle. Even if I had a clue about what freqs it operates on it's unlikely I've a suitable meter. But I do have ping (on termux) on my phone.




I can't remember the last time I did any memorable work with XML. But still I have a load of stuff under the URL

#:todo count #:danny content references to a particular #:todo, boost priority

#:todo #:hashtags markdown formatter with personal disambiguator with #:rdf outputter, data pumped into #:pkb personal/project knowledgebase

pv: , : http://purl.org/stuff/pivot/

:Project :knowledge


KnowledgeBase Pivot Status



:helps a DependencyProperty




I can't remember the last time I did any memorable work with XML. But still I have a load of stuff under the URL

#:todo count #:danny content references to a particular #:todo, boost priority

#:todo #:hashtags markdown formatter with personal disambiguator with #:rdf outputter, data pumped into #:pkb personal/project knowledgebase

pv: , : http://purl.org/stuff/pivot/

kr: , :

:Project :knowledge


KnowledgeBase Pivot Status



:helps a DependencyProperty

cd ~/workspaces_hyperdata-desktop/postcrafts-raw
ln -s ~/github-danny/postcraft/danny.ayers.name/content-raw



Offline Ignorance

#:mozz #:connectivity #:mesh #:rf:lora #:ai:local #:tools:ollama

It's now 17:21 and wet. It's either been raining, pouring or absolutely pissing it down all day.

I started with my usual #:bedfast start-of-day, which has been getting longer but oddly more productive since the nights started drawing in.

Coffee, then to desk. I'd only just got started on stuff when the interweb connection dropped. Grrr.

Connezione (#:spell)

The connection isn't brilliant here at the best of times. Any bad weather, oh dear. Thing is, the world's fibre cables terminate about 2km up the road. I don't know about my neighbours, but my copper wires are mostly on the ground up the field (I intend to recycle the poles for radio stuff). The best connection available at the moment is via a radio link to a mountain across the valley. It's fast enough for my purposes (just) but can be intermittent, which can be bloody annoying. I am kinda impressed by the tech though, the transceiver on my front house wall is smaller than a pair of binoculars. I must look into the freqs/protocols.

I've been toying with the idea of setting up a LoRa (Lora? - dunno, clashing acronyms) link/mesh with Castiglione di Garfagnana, nearest (small) town an hour's walk away, up and down hills. Medieval fortress town, strategically placed, significant in the days of city-states as it overlooks the access bits of this part of the Garfagnana valley. Which is a long way of saying it's on a hill. I've not checked properly, but I'm pretty sure somewhere on the house or in the field there should be a clear line of sight. In a straight line it can't be more than a couple of km. Should be reachable even with a smallish antenna.

But lorA, as best I know, only has a very low baud rate, only enough for minimal messaging. I don't know details of the legality re. freqs & power, but crucially I believe there is some open space in the bands, which would give me a foothold.

#:tbc ...

redundancy of connection is a Good Thing.

elfquake etc

#:todo ask on Facebook if there are any Radio Hams around here, check for groups

#:todo make a little pingy app to find my phone

Ollama Fun

The stuff I'm working on at the moment is heavily dependent on LLMs. No interweb, no LLMs... But I remembered I had promising results the other day running Phi 3 on Ollama on my (very basic) desktop computer. So I just sparked it up to have a play. Discovered I could really do with seeing the docs... Hmm, I'm guessing I cloned the Ollama repo locally, docs might be there. But got distracted by writing that ^^^, and I'd better take Claudio out before dark.

Anyhoo, this is how I found I could do with the docs :

danny@danny-desktop:~$ ollama run phi3
>>> /?
Available Commands:
  /set            Set session variables
  /show           Show model information
  /load <model>   Load a session or model
  /save <model>   Save your current session
  /clear          Clear session context
  /bye            Exit
  /?, /help       Help for a command
  /? shortcuts    Help for keyboard shortcuts

Use """ to begin a multi-line message.

>>> set help
To set up a command-line application that provides user assistance with the phrase "set help", you can use Python's
built-in \`argparse\` module to create an argument parser and define this as one of its arguments. Here is how it could be

import argparse

def main():
    # Create a top-level namespace for the command line program options
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Help Set')

It continued for page after page.

Offline Ignorance


Postcraft Docs

proper doc links etc. will follow soon, so if you want to know more, most of the material I'm talking about is up at GitHub danja

#:todo #:tldr tl;dr handling

I'll mostly be posting stuff here (and nearby) in these categories :

  • articles for quasi-complete, permanent-ish material
  • entries for things like trad blog posts, of the moment but relatively single-topic, self-contained
  • journal for anything, mostly notes as I'm going along, very unlikely to make much sense on their own
  • todo daily notes-to-self etc

It may be a week or two before I get around to making these accessible online, I need to do a bit of work on site layout/templating. But I am gradually starting to capture my keyboard-hammering more systematically.

After having this part up for a few weeks I've inadvertently drifted into randomly dumping stuff from the 4 categories here. Today, I attempt restarting self-discipline. (I am concurrently working on UI bits that some time soon should help me with this).

Boo! Internet connection has dropped...

#:postcraft (an is just at a stage where I can use it, so as I've been organizing my projects I've been dogfooding by using it to capture documentation.

It occurred to me quite early on that it'll be fine to drop in to pretty much every project because the overhead is actually very low. (Will be even lower once I move the layout bits etc. to a common area).

The current default dir structure for #:postcraft material looks like this :

tree -d -L 2 tree -d -L 2 /home/danny/github-danny/postcraft/postcraft-template

├── cache
├── content-raw
│   ├── articles
│   ├── entries
│   ├── journal
│   └── todo
├── content-static
│   └── references
├── layouts
│   ├── fancier
│   ├── logos
│   ├── mediocre
│   ├── misc
│   └── trials
├── media
│   └── images
├── prompts
└── public

Postcraft Docs
