
Under Construction

there are many to-dos


Builder's Caffè


#:next GitHub repo #:transmission #:next "what I am up to" #:next #:postcraft *sites #:next review #:fam #:next make a start with https://github.com/trustgraph-ai/trustgraph #:next check recent links from danbri

#:todo think about logos/branding for individual projects - OpenAI, free about one pic a day. Gemini? Other generators?

#:todo You'll stop getting emails on 9 Nov

You've run out of storage from increased backup. You don't have enough storage. Starting on 9 Nov, emails sent to you will be bounced back to the sender and can't be recovered.

My essential daytime beverage is Caffé Americano, Macchiato, à la Turk.

In the UK I used to drink the classic Brit Instant. One or two spoonfuls of powder from a jar, in a mug, good splash of milk, spoonful of sugar. Of necessity, usually the cheap stuff, but Nescafé by preference and/or in posh company. I can't bear the silage run-off now.

  • to be continued...

Christ on an e-bike, so many distractions today. Oriana just called, due up from Siena in 10 mins, asked if I can give her a hand shifting stuff.

Golly, via Duolingo, a name I believe I recognise from the distant past, #:foaf James Tauber. I can't place him yet, my mental sorting office will take a while to locate the relevant pile. I doubt I know him through his main field, he does lots of Ancient Greek as J.K. Tauber -

at the intersection of computing, linguistics, philology, and learning science

He has written up My History with the Web, which mentions the W3C, may be a hint for the backend posties. This project of his I must #:todo revisit : https://modelling-music.com

#:todo come up with a short #:semtag that I'll remember for check it out/revisit.

Reminds me, I need to see if I got around to doing one of these : https://linktr.ee/jtauber

His History is on https://thoughtstreams.io, not sure I've seen that before. But microblogging is very strongly in scope for my stuff, #:todo check it out. Over there the page has :

get stream as: markdown or atom

The Atom feed follows the usual reverse-chrono sequence of posts (which is kinda irrelevant, they are datetime-stamped). #:todo remember bloody Atom, is important here.

The Markdown feed is forward-chrono (which makes sense here, the History.. is a sequential, self-contained article). Just the usual #:md syntax, with --- (ie. <br>) inserted as post separators.

Coincidentally I woke up this morning with a closely related thing on my mind, #:chunks or for here -

Chunky Chunks

I need dynamically modifiable, identifiable blocks of text.

to be continued...

So many distractions today.

Builder's Caffè

cd /home/danny/github-danny/hyperdata/packages
git submodule add https://github.com/danja/sheltopusik.git sheltopusik




I got the Sleaford Mods track in my head.

danja mental floodgates are wide open

start what am I up to

github list

  • make ForEach Processor
cd /home/danny/github-danny/transmissions
repopack --verbose -c repopack.config.json .
cd /home/danny/github-danny/trans-apps/applications/git-apps
repopack --verbose -c repopack.config.json .

get elfquake.org primed

publishing transmission!!!

check https://claude.ai/chat/638f937d-53c0-49d5-9caa-868e841f4247


remember for notes:

Error: Unknown processor type: http://hyperdata.it/transmissions/ForEach
    at AbstractProcessorFactory.createProcessor (file:///home/danny/github-danny/transmissions/src/engine/AbstractProcessorFactory.js:52:15)

#:todo  transmission for docs, for each processor make list of usages in transmissions.ttl - add this to a .ttl file in eg.

update repopack for transmissions and trans-apps/git-apps

1661 node src/simples/nop/simple-runner.js 1663 node src/simples/nop/simple-runner.js 1854 node test/integration-test.js 1856 node test-runner.js 1960 repopack --verbose -c repopack.config.json . 1961 repopack --verbose -c ../../repopack.config.json . 1964 node github-list-runner.js 1965 node github-list-pipeline-runner.js 1971 repopack --verbose -c repopack.config.json . 1972 repopack --verbose -c ../repopack.config.json . 1973 repopack --verbose -c ../../repopack.config.json . 1974 repopack --verbose -c repopack.config.json . 1975 node github-list-runner.js 1976 node github-list-pipeline-runner.js




My interweb connection has mostly been 0b/S since yesterday morning. Problem started coincident with a rainstorm. Almost certainly down to the antenna here being a bit out of line.

My service provider is generally pretty good, which is fortunate because right now they're the only real option for me here. Friendly & helpful, but clearly short of field engineers - we are up in the hills. (I've been tempted to ping them about work even though I don't have transport - I get the feeling they might be desperate enough to find a workaround).

#:aside I was a total bookworm from an early age (until I moved to this harder drug when the Web came along). Odd really, I'm not sure how it started. Even though both my parents were very hot on education, neither were big readers, not a bookish family. But incredibly lucky in how it opened the world to me. Anyhow, my English language mechanical skills got to be really good, I had automatic correct usage (I'm crap at other languages, btw). But nowadays my spelling is... hesitant. The exposure to en-US online and a fair bit of Italian has scrambled it, I have to double check all the time. Ditto my grammar. Both understandable, I don't feel bad. But my bloody punctuation is broken too! Example just now ^^^, putting a whole sentence in braces. Where, by the Frenchman's f'ing' fin does the full stop/period go..?

Ok, what I have been working on (always) is heavily dependent on the Web. But I still have vast numbers of things to do which don't need it. No problem. Hah!

I've been fortunate in only having experienced sexual impotence a couple of times in my life, despite having a taste for the booze. Found it slightly embarrassing, very frustrating (tragic on a one-night stand). But that pales in comparison with having to wait, possibly a day or two, for an engineer to get here.

Claudio and I are not long back from walk #1, I've just been getting my breath back. I noticed coming in that my antenna is securely mounted by means of cable ties to a drainpipe. So I'm now going to get out the ladders and give it a wiggle. Even if I had a clue about what freqs it operates on it's unlikely I've a suitable meter. But I do have ping (on termux) on my phone.




I can't remember the last time I did any memorable work with XML. But still I have a load of stuff under the URL

#:todo count #:danny content references to a particular #:todo, boost priority

#:todo #:hashtags markdown formatter with personal disambiguator with #:rdf outputter, data pumped into #:pkb personal/project knowledgebase

pv: , : http://purl.org/stuff/pivot/

:Project :knowledge


KnowledgeBase Pivot Status



:helps a DependencyProperty

