
Under Construction

there are many to-dos



Video Test

Grr, task paralysis through overwhelmedness is getting me again today.

A GTD thought : when I'm stuck on what to work on, choose something that'll help productivity


  • form-a-matic
  • update hkms-desktop : new clone of Pulsar, move my customizations across


Continuing from yesterday.

Collecting background for a Claude project. Put stuff around (desktop) :

repopack --verbose -c /home/danny/github-danny/transmissions/repopack.config.json

add repopacks from all the libs in package.json

After hours with Claude I now have a not-quite-right form-a-matic.js and a very broken test-fam.js

But I think there's enough in place that I can now get those working without Claude.

Clearing a few tabs. I've done 'Save All" into a folder, but some should go somewhere near here. A bit annoying, this is what Strandz should be doing for me.

TODO https://www.bergnet.org/2023/09/grapoi/ TODO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_tree TODO https://blog.dailydoseofds.com/p/free-daily-dose-of-data-science-pdf TODO https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments TODO https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf Go Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data. TODO https://github.com/danielbeeke/grapoi-inspector




I've just given myself a headache doing a little bit of real-world admin. I got a little bit of money through yesterday, I've been attempting to direct into the best places...

Including cancelling the €22/month Google One account I'd accidentally signed up for. Grr, only noticed after 3? months. All I need is the €3/m extra storage. I'm actually at 201.03 GB, so am doing a bit of backup in the background right now.

A deeper headache is due to me getting overwhelmed by TODOs again (it's an #ADHD thing).

My long-term solution is the #farelo project. Job One-ish there is capturing descriptions of projects/tasks in #RDF with the Project Vocabulary. (That needs revising, which I've been dipping into occasionally in 2024, but that's not a big issue today).

While thinking about foaf-retro, making a Form-a-matic seemed a good idea.

One way of skipping out of the overwhelmedness kind of task paralysis is doing something new. This is in the distraction, #yak direction, but sometimes that's necessary. If the new thing has clearly defined, nearby, goal, then the sidestep can work.


requirements, second pass


Generate HTML forms based on RDF shapes1 which, when filled in, will generate RDF instance data. The FOAF-a-matic and DOAP-a-matic being examples.

This will be an application of #Transmissions.

I want to get Claude to do most of the work.


My initial Form-a-matic process is more general than I need right now. Also it would be nicer for the resulting a-matic-form to be relatively self-contained (ie. not involving a SPARQL store).

The input is an example of the target RDF data.

  1. variable fields are identified
  2. HTML form elements are created corresponding to those fields
  3. Javascript is attached to a button on on the form to read the field values
  4. JS functions will generate RDF from the form values

Possibly the quickest way of achieving most of this would be using generic text templating throughout (a la #SPARQLDiamonds). But I reckon it'll be neater, and potential more easily extendable if I use an RDF model in the JS.

I so want to use SPARQL here, but side project in my queue is documenting RDF-Ext. That includes grapoi, a 'Universal RDF/JS graph traverser'. There are also readers/serializers nearby, and I've already been using it around #Transmissions.

So let's :

  • start with some tweaked Turtle-format FOAF. Give the places of interest keyword-style markers
  • parse that out and locate those markers with RDF-Ext, recording their path inside the graph
  • for each marker, generate a form field

The end result form will need boilerplate JS functions for taking the form values and the RDF path, constructing the required triples.

To get Claude to do the drudge work without being stupid I'm going to have to prepare some prompts, some background material to put into a Claude Project and some examples.

The other day I set up Transmissions' CLI so it could use an application from any file path, so I guess this might be a good point to set up yet another GitHub repo : trans-apps

TODO allow applications to be loaded from URLs

Now I'll publish this and then it's dogwalk time, then I'm of out for a coffee & shopping with Mari.

@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .

    a foaf:Person ;
    foaf:name "LITERAL" ;
    foaf:mbox <#URI> ;
    foaf:homepage <#URI> ;
    foaf:nick "LITERAL" ;
    foaf:depiction <#URI> ;
    foaf:interest <#URI> ;
    foaf:knows [
        a foaf:Person ;
        foaf:name "LITERAL"
    ] .


  1. ultimately SHACL is totally in the frame for this, but this quick-and-dirty approach skipping around SHACL should be simpler to implement as first attempt. (There is a SHACL engine in RDF-Ext, see https://www.bergnet.org/2023/03/2023/shacl-engine/)



The Planets

On BBC Radio 4 this morning there was a prog How to Play featuring Holst's 'The Planets'.

Gives me today's analogy for my recurring problem of how best to spend my time.

My todo list for today might well be changed if some money I'm hoping is coming my way arrives today, but for now I'll assume it isn't.

I want to get XMPP up and running asap but I've got to a point with #Postcraft where I can start organising my notes better (and putting them online).


Hmm. JSON remodeller, RDF->JSON lib for ConfigMap etc. Use the old thing

  • write a top-level list of what I'm working on
  • set up placeholder Postcraft setups as appropriate



markmap JSON Options - note Markdown Frontmatter


TODO Postcraft backup transmission TODO Transmissions conditionals (+ list other constructs somewhere) TODO todo list extractor

TODO markmap interactive page


  • get the server working
  • make a (client) test script


  • relocate
  • update
  • symlinks to

TODO URL shortener : https://strandz.it/QWER

The Planets


Setting up XMPP pt.3


cd /home/github-other

apt install python-is-python3

git clone https://github.com/mathiasertl/xmpp-test.git

cd xmpp-test

python3 -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

cd xmpp-test# pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt


grrr. Incompatible dependency.


I could fork & tweak...

but my own code can probably do the same.

I think https://github.com/danja/dogbot was my latest.


// ejabberdctl register dogbot hyperdata.it // ejabberdctl change_password dogbot hyperdata.it doggy

nano /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml ejabberdctl reload_config

Setting up XMPP pt.3


Stormy Weather

I did start looking at server XMPP config again but a thunderstorm means the network is up & down.

Back to #Transmissions ConfigMap.

Hmm. Need docs to make sense of these.

Slight diversion : I'm adding code into DirWalker to ignore markdown files with a name start with _ underscore. Hardcoded for now (like accepting .md).

Stormy Weather
