

It's wet out again also my spirits are a little soggy.

Quick look at VocBench (below)...moving on...where was I...

cd ~/github-danny/transmissions
./trans ../server/deploy

Ok, transmissions/src/applications/postcraft/transmission.ttl includes :

:s10 a :DatasetReader . # read the manifest
# trm:configKey trm:describe .

:s20 a :ConfigMap ;
    trm:configKey :postcraftMap .

Hang on, how am I doing the multi-pipeline call (#:todo rename pipeline -> transmission) for #:postcraft..?

#:todo automate creation of project handover #:ho docs for my future self

Ok, ./trans calls run.js which calls transmissions/src/utils/CommandUtils.js.

The CommandUtils.run() calls transmissions/src/engine/TransmissionBuilder.js to build all the transmissions in transmissions.ttl and then runs them.

TransmissionBuilder.js has :

for (const q of poi.out(ns.rdf.type).quads()) {
  if (q.object.equals(ns.trm.Pipeline)) {

Didn't I do something for running transmissions from transmissions (like a gosub)..?

wtf is :

class ProcessProcessor extends Processor {


Ffs, I'd also forgotten about transmissions/src/engine/WorkerPool.js. That would be handy for spawing subs. Jeez. I have no idea, maybe I dreamt it. Ok, time for a repopack, ask Claude if he remembers.


Ah, I do have to go on a slight tangent first. Little bit of vocab needed. Coincidentally Claudio B. reminded me about VocBench the other day, just what I need. I'm pretty sure I've used it before, can't remember at all. Can't see it on this machine, downloaded, unzipped, giving me a fun path. Semantic Turkey! - love it.

danny@danny-desktop:~/Apps/VocBench/vocbench3-12.2.0-full/semanticturkey-12.2/bin$ ./semanticturkey.sh

   ____                    __  _       ______         __
  / __/__ __ _  ___ ____  / /_(_)___  /_  __/_ ______/ /_____ __ __
 _\ \/ -_)  ' \/ _ `/ _ \/ __/ / __/   / / / // / __/  '_/ -_) // /
/___/\__/_/_/_/\_,_/_//_/\__/_/\__/   /_/  \_,_/_/ /_/\_\__/\_,  /

Developed by ART (Artificial Intelligence Research at Tor Vergata).
Version: 12.2. Build: 2024-07-09T11:01:05Z. Spring Boot version: 3.2.5

ST Started

Good-o, running nicely, access via http://localhost:1979/vocbench3

Ah. Claudio mentioned the manual. Now I see why. This thing seems big and arcane.

I'll leave for now, hack the Turtle for the terms I need, get back to that manual later.